At our co
mpany we bsites ma in fo cus is en suring the pr ivacy of our vi sitors is pr otected at all ti mes.We ha ve a Privacy Po licy, in pl ace th at ou tlines the ty pes of in formation we co llect fr om vi sitors and how we ut ilize it for th eir be nefit and se curity.If you ha
ve ad ditional qu estions or re quire mo re in formation ab out our Privacy Po licy, do not he sitate to co ntact us.This Privacy Po
licy on ly pe rtains to our in teractions. Is, for vi sitors us ing our we bsite in te rms of the in formation th ey pr ovide or ga ther on the si te it do es not co ver any da ta co llected of fline or th rough ot her pl atforms be sides th is we bsite.By us
ing our we bsite, you he reby consent to our Privacy Po licy and agree to its terms.The pe
rsonal in formation th at you are as ked to pr ovide, and the re asons why you are as ked to pr ovide it, wi ll be ma de cl ear to you at the po int we ask you to pr ovide yo ur pe rsonal information.If you re
ach out to us di rectly we mi ght ga ther de tails, ab out you in cluding yo ur na me,email ad dress,phone nu mber,the me ssage co ntents and at tachments you se nd us and any ad ditional in formation you wi sh to sh are.When you re
gister for an Ac count, we may ask for yo ur co ntact in formation, in cluding it ems su ch as na me, co mpany na me, ad dress, em ail ad dress, and te lephone number.We use the in
formation we co llect in va rious wa ys, in cluding to:Most we
bsites fo llow a pr actice of us ing log fi les to tr ack vi sitors du ring th eir we bsite vi sits.The ma jority of web ho sting co mpanies em ploy th is me thod as pa rt of th eir an alytics se rvices.The de tails ga thered th rough log fi les of IP ad dresses,Browser ty pes,internet se rvice pr oviders,time and da te st amps,referencing or ex it pa ges. Po tentially the nu mber of cl icks ma de.These de tails are not as sociated wi th any in formation. The in formation is in tended for an alyzing pa tterns and tr ends, on the we bsite to ma nage the si te ef fectively and un derstand how us ers na vigate th rough it wh ile al so co llecting da ta.Similar, to we
bsites th ere the we bsite us es wh at th ey ca ll "c ookies". Th ese co okies are ha ndy for st oring all so rts of in fo, li ke yo ur pr eferences and wh ich pa ges yo u've checked out or vi sited wh ile br owsing the si te The da ta is th en us ed to im prove yo ur br owsing ex perience by ta iloring our we bpage content to ma tch wh at br owser yo u're us ing and ot her re levant in fo.Our we
bsite co ntains li nks, to we bsites wh ere you can fi nd th eir pr ivacy po licies for in formation on how th ey ga ther and ut ilize yo ur da ta si nce th eir po licies and da ta pr ocessing pr actices ar e, be yond our co ntrol.Third pa
rty ad vertising se rvers or ad ne tworks ut ilize to ols su ch, as co okies and Ja vaScript to de liver th eir ads and li nks th at sh ow up on line di rectly to yo ur br owser wi ndow wh en you vi sit a we bsite &n dash; th ey ev en pi ck up yo ur IP ad dress in the pr ocess! Th ese me thods he lp th em ga uge how we ll th eir ads are pe rforming and ta ilor the content you see to ma tch yo ur in terests wh ile br owsing we bsites.Note th
at Web si te has no ac cess to or co ntrol ov er th ese co okies th at are us ed by th ird-party advertisers.Our we
bsites Privacy Po licy do es not ex tend to ad vertisers or we bsites; th erefore it is re commended th at you re fer to the Privacy Po licies of th ese th ird pa rty ad se rvers for de tails in cluding th eir pr actices and gu idelines, for op ting out of sp ecific ch oices.You ha
ve the op tion to tu rn off co okies us ing the se ttings in yo ur br owser of ch oice.To get de tails, on ma naging co okies, in web br owsers ch eck out the of ficial we bsites of the br owsers.Under the CC
PA, am ong ot her ri ghts, Ca lifornia co nsumers ha ve the ri ght to:Request th
at a bu siness th at co llects a co nsumer's pe rsonal da ta di sclose the ca tegories and sp ecific pi eces of pe rsonal da ta th at a bu siness has co llected ab out consumers.Request th
at a bu siness de lete any pe rsonal da ta ab out the co nsumer th at a bu siness has collected.If you ma
ke a re quest, we ha ve one mo nth to re spond to yo u. If you wo uld li ke to ex ercise any of th ese ri ghts, pl ease co ntact us.We wo
uld li ke to ma ke su re you are fu lly aw are of all of yo ur da ta pr otection ri ghts. Ev ery us er is en titled to the following:The ri
ght to ac cess &n dash; You ha ve the ri ght to re quest co pies of yo ur pe rsonal da ta. We may ch arge you a sm all fee for th is service.You can ask us to fix any in
formation you th ink is wr ong or in complete un der the ri ght of re ctification.The ri
ght to er asure &n dash; You ha ve the ri ght to re quest th at we er ase yo ur pe rsonal da ta, un der ce rtain conditions.The ri
ght to re strict pr ocessing &n dash; You ha ve the ri ght to re quest th at we re strict the pr ocessing of yo ur pe rsonal da ta, un der ce rtain conditions.The ri
ght to ob ject to pr ocessing &n dash; You ha ve the ri ght to ob ject to our pr ocessing of yo ur pe rsonal da ta, un der ce rtain conditions.The ri
ght to da ta po rtability &n dash; You ha ve the ri ght to re quest th at we tr ansfer the da ta th at we ha ve co llected to an other or ganization, or di rectly to yo u, un der ce rtain conditions.If you ma
ke a re quest, we ha ve one mo nth to re spond to yo u. If you wo uld li ke to ex ercise any of th ese ri ghts, pl ease co ntact us.We mi
ght ma ke ch anges, to our Privacy Po licy oc casionally.It's an id ea to ch eck th is pa ge and th en for up dates.We'll in form you ab out any ch anges by po sting the Privacy Po licy.Those up dates be come ef fective so on as th ey're po sted he re.If you ha
ve any qu estions or su ggestions ab out our Privacy Po licy, do not he sitate to co ntact us.